Sunday, September 4, 2011

2011-2012 Curriculum Plans

Another school year approaches, and that means it's time to finalize and purchase all remaining curriculum.  Fortunately, it is something I enjoy.  I love researching all of our options, selecting what I think will work best for us, cracking open the new books, and planning out lessons as I envision what our year will look like.      Of course the year never turns out quite as I imagine it will, but that's a topic for another time.  Now that we're entering our fourth (if you count pre-K) year of homeschooling, one would think that we should have the hang of it by now.  I am hoping my plans will meet up a bit closer to reality.  Here's hoping all of these picks are winners here.


-Who is God? by Apologia educational ministries
-The Squire and the Scroll along with Life Lessons from The Squire and the Scroll
-Plants Grown Up (selected projects)

English Studies:

-Phonics Road 1 (Finish 2nd half) along with Memoria Press 2nd grade spelling and phonics
-First Language Lessons 2
-Classical Writing primers
-New American Cursive
-Selected 2nd Grade Lit. guides from Memoria Press: The Little House in the Big Woods, Tales of Beatrix   Potter, and Mr. Popper's Penguins
-Kai will also read books from our homemade reading list


-Singapore 2A/2B

We are continuing with level 2 this year, and we are planning on using all of the extras: Extra Practice 2, Challenging Word Problems 2, and Intensive Practice 2A/2B.

-Teaching Textbooks 3

We actually started this at the end of last year to make sure that Kai had some math to do while I was working with the younger ones. He really enjoys it so far and will start off this year around lesson 30.


-Story of the World Vol. 2

After spending 2 years on Volume 1, I am excited to be picking up the pace a bit. I can't wait for Kai to learn all about castles, knights, explorers, and Shakespeare! We'll do a lot of supplemental reading with this as well.


Evan-Moor Daily Geography grade 2

We did grade 1 last year and really enjoyed this gentle yet thorough approach to Geography. I also hope that we will have time to try our hand at continent blobbing and drawing of the great circles as laid out in the The Core.


Earth Science and Astronomy following the Well Trained Mind cycle for 2nd grade.

I am anticipating that our studies will be a little heavy on the astronomy side since we will be using Apologia Astronomy from their Young Explorer's series. I do plan on using several Science in a Nutshell kits focusing on earth science though, and I did also get the Usborne First Encyclopedia of Our World.


Prima Latina

I am excited to start this with Kai. We went through most of Song School Latin last year, so some of this will be review for him. Overall, it seems a bit more rigorous, and I really like that it incorporates learning latin prayers.

Kai will be doing football football for fall PE, as well as a supplemental art and science class.

Kael and Koen will be doing some preschool activities as well.

School starts August 22nd.  Let the countdown begin!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Week 21 Report

I know that I haven't done a weekly report all year, and it seems odd to start with week 21...but sometimes this teacher/mom gets too disctracted with other things to keep up. Here is where we are now.

We started off on Monday (V-Day) attending our charter school's Geography field day. All of the kids had a fun time, and it was exciting for Kai to see all of the different areas that Geography touches. Some of the highlights included: a 20 ft. blown up globe that you could step inside, bird tracking, a craft booth from each continent, sea life presented by Kai's former Oceanography teachers, a desert dome, a condensed history of California play, and Geography musical chairs. The Geography musical chairs was much the same as regular musical chairs, except if you were the one with no seat, you had the chance to correctly answer a Geography question to stay in the game. Kai did pretty well, lasting until only four children were left, but he was out on a question asking what state has "north" as part of its name. He recognized North Dakota, but got confused while reading the map and said, "North Canada." Oh well! As a result, Mommy has since downloaded the Scrambled States of America and ordered Evan Moor Daily Geography.

Here's how we wrapped up the rest of the week:


Leading Little Ones to God

My Father's World Bible Reader


Phonics Road 1 - Week 5


Singapore Primary Math 1B - Unit 13 Ex. 3-7


Elemental Science Biology - Human Body Week 2 (Skeleton and Bones)

Bill Nye: the Science Guy -Cells


Wrapping up with Ancient Greece. We did the Parthenon activity from our Ancient Civilizations History pockets.

Books read:

Alexander the Great Rocks the World

The Librarian Who Measured the Earth

The Greek News

Dem Bones

Biscuit's Valentine's Day

Books read by Kai:


Green Eggs and Ham

Little Bear